Peewee A Update

Here are the groups for the evaluations for the spring season players.  At this point it looks like we have enough players to make up 5 teams to represent Abbotsford in the Spring House Interlock schedule.  At this point we only have two gentlemen that have volunteered to be Head Coaches.  If you are interested please let me know, we need you!  Any adults that would like to help run drills during the evaluations, your help would also be appreciated, please let me know your availability.


Saturday March 7:

Group 1:  McMillan Field Noon-1:00


Aconley                Ryan

Adkins  Tyler

Alexander           Kyle

behm    brent

Blair       Ronnie

Blair       Tristan

Brar        Jaxon

Brittain Samuel

Burga    Jayden

Bussiere               Brendan

Cannon                David

Carr        Owen

Champion           Kayden

Cheyne                Blake

Cho        Andrew

Coffin    Marquise

Cummings           Braden

Dahlen  Caden

Dahlen  Caleb

Wheatley            Owen


Group 2:  McMillan Field 1:15-2:15


Davey   Malcolm

Dobson                Tyler

Duval     Tyran

Egresits                Logan

Fitzgerald            Dyson

Folka     Giovanni

Fransoo                Conner

Gairdner              Mason

Gosselin               Zachariah

Hunt      Max

Johnson               Ryan

jones     sam

Krahn    Jackson

Krahn    Jediah

Kropp    Levi

Latam    Joseph

Lee         Kade

Lee         Tait

Mack     Joe

McInnes              Tyler


Group 3: McMillan Field 2:30-3:30


Cutrell   Aiden

McNabb               Kaden

Middleton           Nicholas

Mitchell-Hermann           Craig

NALDRETT           Ryan

Nivins    Jared

Ozga      Kyler

Parmar Josh

Primrose              Jake

Romanchuk        Jacob

Schierling             Sam

Share    Matthew

St. Jean                Levi

Stewart                Aidan

Tear       Logan

Tomm   Liam

Vander Woude Kade

Wall       Nolan

Wellicome           Caden

Wilkinson            Ben


Rob Taylor
Peewee Commissioner